Friday, July 17, 2009


I am a bit trapped in my sketchbook lately. I am always on the run and it so easy to have quick converations with. I enjoy my time in my book, but every so often I catch myself thinking about it as a plan for new work. I hate it when I do that, it ruins it for me. No need to plan, if it is meant to it will appear again on its own, it will. I think I may be in a bit of a funk, or just lazy(last weeks word that I was too lazy to illustrate) Or just overwhelmed by the messiness that is my studio. Anyway I am hoping something is coming, no need to plan. I will just take each summer days as it beautifully comes and meet it with book in hand and sand on feet.


  1. such a sweet little girl hiding behind her bubble gum!

  2. it takes courage to have no plan i think! or trust that it will all come back when u are in the studio. i love your sketches :)

  3. I love the little girl with the huge bubblegum balloon. Probably because I love bubblegum myself, but have stopped blowing bubbles at L'Usband's insistence. (I guess it can get a bit irritating ...) I buy bubblegum very seldom now, and when I do, I go and hide out in my study and close the door and blow HUGE bubbles!
    I hope the funk will pass soon. Sometimes one just needs a break. The book and the sandy feet sound like a perfect way to do it.

  4. i love the birds! and the bubblegum girl is too cute for words
    hope funk will pass quickly, mean while enjoy your summer days!

  5. I guess we all agree on the bubble gum. I like the simplicity of the birds too.
    If you're in a funk, it doesn't show. Sometimes, we need to be lazy for a while, charge up our batteries, and go on again...

  6. Thanks guys!!! I think I'll go chew some gum and read a book, let it all keep brewing for awhile(:

  7. wonderful sketchbook. An dthe bubble gum - yes!
