Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday Afternoon

Why is it that we claim that animals and even insects can sense fear, yet when we suggest that an animal is showing a certain emotion we run the risk of one thinking that we are somehow humanizing them? When I was a little girl I had a beautiful cockatiel that used to console me, and listen to me cry and even wipe the tears from my face with her beak. Skeptics would say it was because my tears were salty. Ants bury their dead, bees fall to the ground in devastation upon arriving to find their nest ruined by honey thieves. I think that animals and insects feel deeply and that we are a little arrogant to think that because we are more advanced, our brains a little more developed, that we are capable of greater emotion. I think of it a bit like children, they have fewer words to use to express themselves but their feelings are just as powerful, and sometimes their few words more powerfully express a thought than an adults complete sentence. Our relationships with animals are powerful and our connections are deeply emotional. We are here together to learn from one another, not to control, and I know with every bit of my four chambered heart and my complex brain that we are more "animal" than we know and that they are more "human" than we think.

A beautiful story Wesley the Owl.


  1. you are such a good soul :) beautiful drawings and a beautiful post...

  2. I agree with Aimee! And I love the picture with the blackbird on the head. I wish I could have one on my head for moments when I could need the intelligens of a bird.

  3. what a wonderful series again. I love the last collage. I don't know what animals can feel and not feel exactly, but I'm sure they feel fear. And because of it, I'm quite sure they never rest completely. And as animals, we fear a lot too.
    Have a good weekend.

  4. I love your drawings, as soulful as they always are. And so I love your post. I agree compltetely.

  5. Hi,
    I agree! Today someone at work told me about a test that someone had given some dolphins-a match the shape test where they jumped though the hoop attached to the shape of the card they were being shown. It struck me as pointless and patronizing(like some of the tests children are given!) and I could imagine the dolphins saying something like, "Oh for goodness sake, give us something a bit more challenging".
    I have visited your blog via Aimee's and weekword. I love your drawings and your surprise made me laugh!

  6. I still need to read wesley the owl...
    I have been reading so many bee books and facts I haven't made time for reading anything else...
    here is a somewhat apropos fact that you may or may not know that I just learned today----
    ~the brain of a worker honey bee is about a cubic millimeter (like the size of a sesame seed) but it has the densest neuropile tissue of any animal.
    I thought that was pretty fascinating

  7. I forgot you weren't in my head reading my thoughts so I came back to tell you that when I look at your drawings and paintings I feel safe and cozy and warm. very comfy and very refreshed at the same time...
