Friday, December 3, 2010


Moving things around, listening to the stories that they tell.


  1. Each painting is so very good Aris and together telling different stories, it's so very wonderful. But your paintings all alone tell also stories. I love your art....

  2. hi aris :)
    love these pieces, especially the one with the dark background {my kids give looks like that often!!} and the kneeling woman.
    hope you're good!

  3. I really like the juxtaposition - the more human-like with the animal-like faces. Maybe you look at everybody like this! I.e. that woman looks like she could be a rabbit, that guy looks like a bear, etc ...

  4. these are divine aris.
    haven't visited for a while .. you've been very busy!

  5. I like these a lot. and the moving around is interesting, to change the context...

  6. I hope you are well. Even if I don't come often, once I'm here I am drawn to your work as if it was the first time. Amazed at how you manage to communicate so much with so little. Hugs.

  7. These draw me back, moving things around creates so many different stories. I like these very much.

  8. Listening to they stories they tell... I like this. I like this a great deal.

    be well, g

  9. Thank you all for visiting and for your kind comments! I am looking forward to a quiet night during this holiday break to sit and visit all of your blogs and see what you all have been up to.
